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Charge the Atmosphere with Prayer, prayer changes things. As born-again believers we are encouraged to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) it is Gods will that His people continually “Charge the Atmosphere” with prayer, bringing the Kingdom desired change.

Printed on Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt. 64000, 4.5 oz ring spun cotton, you’re going to love this T-Shirt and the price is right for today!

Evangelize your World with Evangelgear Christian Streetwear.

God Bless and have a wonderful day!


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  • 30-day return policy, if you’re not happy with your purchase, just send the item back to me, and I will issue full refund including return shipping. I answer all questions and work on solutions for any misunderstandings. Be encouraged and rest assured your purchase is safe.

    Evangelgear Christian Streetwear

    6038 Bagley Ave, # 6

    Twentynine Palms CA 92277


  • Free Shipping on this item, it ships separately and independently from other Evangelgear Christian Streetwear products.

    God Bless and enjoy

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